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About Department Vision & Mission POs,PSOs,PEOs HOD’s Desk PBOS Members Faculty Laboratory Curriculum Result Analysis MOUs Staff Achievements Industrial Visits Events Organized Co-curricular Activities Newsletters Welcome to Department of Mechanical engineering
Mechanical Engineering is perhaps the most diverse and versatile of the engineering disciplines. Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines, having its utility in all branches of engineering field. In addition to physics and mathematics, it encompasses key elements of aerospace, electrical, civil, chemical and even materials science and bio-engineering. This branch applies the fundamental principles of engineering, physics and material science for the design, analysis, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. The role of a mechanical engineer is to transform the creative idea into a valuable product in the market. Mechanical engineering touches virtually every aspect of modern life, from mobile phones and biomedical devices, to aircrafts and power plants.
The Mechanical Engineering Department was established in the year 1989. The department is continuously striving to achieve excellence in education, academic and industry-oriented research as well as consultancy work with service to the society. We aim to provide our students with a perfect blend of intellectual and practical experiences, that helps them to serve our society and address a variety of needs. Being nurtured in conducive environment, our budding engineers are ready engage in ethical approaches in designing and developing engineering systems having concern for society. Currently our department works in two shifts with sanctioned intake of 120 students. The department offers a three-year post SSC diploma programme. Our department revises and update its curriculum regularly every four to five years, based on the feedback from our connected industries and other stake holders. The department runs with highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty.
To Promote Sustainable development of students.
We are committed to:
M1. Implement need based curriculum.
M2. Provide opportunity for lifelong learning through continuing education.
M3. Blend the latest technology with conventional practices through experiential learning.
M4. Enhance industry institute interaction.
M5. Promote entrepreneurial capabilities.
We believe in high ethical and moral values, safety and environmental friendly practices
Programme Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basicmathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the Engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined Engineeringproblems using codified standard methods.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problemsand assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
PO5:Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
PO6:Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
PO7:Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO1: To model, analyse, design, and realize physical systems,components or processes in the field of mechanical engineering.
PSO2: Use and maintain mechanical systems / processes in the world of work.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1: Provide solutions to mechanical engineering problems adapting professional ethics in
considerations with environmental and societal concerns.
PEO2: Adopt latest technologies to work in multidisciplinary environment through self-learning for
enhancing technical & entrepreneurial abilities.
PEO 3: Pursue sustainable development through life-long learning, upgrade professional skills to
work individually as well as be an effective team member.
Dr. Santosh G. Taji
Mechanical Engineering (HOD)
The Department was established in 1989 with an intake capacity of 60. Later on as per the policy of Government of Maharashtra, an additional division in the second shift was started in the year 2010. Therefore, the current intake capacity of the department is 120. Mechanical Engineering is the most diverse and versatile branch of the engineering field. The Department intends to provide industry-based technical and professional education to the students. Mechanical engineers use the principles of energy, materials, and mechanics to design and manufacture machines and devices of all types. They create the processes and systems that drive technology and industry. The department has a strong Institute- Industry Interaction which helps get placed for six - months In- plant training, sponsorship for the final year projects, conducting guest lectures, arranging industrial visits for students etc. The faculty aims at putting extraordinary efforts towards motivating the students through projects, industrial visits and in-plant training. It provides opportunities for students to acquire interdisciplinary skills and knowledge through OBE based Curriculum. Many industry experts from various renowned industries deliver expert lectures to give practical flavor to learning. The Department is actively associated in grooming our students by nurturing them with inputs from various basic and specialized subjects including Production, Industrial, Thermal and Design Engineering. Our Laboratories have been very well established not only to cover complete syllabus but also to motivate students to learn beyond the syllabus which helps to enhance their capability and develop skill sets of students to become promising engineers in future to keep in pace with industrial requirements. Students are placed in many core industries for in plant training such as Siemens Ltd Kalwa, Schneider Electric Ltd, Selec Controls Pvt Ltd, Mahape, Chhaparia Industries Pvt. Ltd, Agarwal Industries, Eltech Engineers Pvt Ltd, Vapcon Manufacturing Engineers, Pragati Switchgear Vasai, J M Infra & Enviro Technologies Pvt Ltd, Anand Systems Engineering Pvt Ltd, The Brihan Mumbai Electric Supply & Transport Mumbai etc. With the growing needs of industries, students are placed in various industries such as Godrej & Boyce Ltd. Mumbai, Tata Consulting.
Sr. No PBOS Committee Position Name
1. Head, Mechanical Engineering Department, Government Polytechnic, Mumbai Chairman Dr. S. G. Taji
2. Industry Expert Member Mr. R. H. Ramteke,
General Manager,Tinita Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Dhahej
3. Senior Faculty No. 1 of Mechanical Engineering Department Member Mr. K.V. Patil,
Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
4. Senior Faculty No. 2 of Mechanical Engineering Department Member Dr. V. U. Rathod,
Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
5. Representative MSBTE Member Mr. P. U. Wayse,
Dy. Secretary MSBTE
6. Member from other institute Member Mr. S. S. Mane,
HoD, Mechanical Engineering, K. J.
Somaiya Polytechnic, Mumbai
7. Departmental Curriculum Co-Coordinator Secretory Mr. S. B. Bidgar,
Lecturer Mechanical Engineering
8. Industry Veteran Special Invitee Mr. S. M. Jawle
9. Principal Government Polytechnic,
Mumbai Special Invitee Dr. N. N. Mhala
10. Academic Coordinator,
Government Polytechnic, Mumbai Special Invitee Mr. R. S. Shukla
11. Controller of Examination, Government Polytechnic, Mumbai
Special Invitee Dr. P. N. Padghan,
Lecturer in Electrical
Teaching Faculty
Non Teaching Faculty
Sr. No Name Qualification Post Photo
1. Mr. R. G. Baraskar Diploma in Instrumentation Instructor(Technical Lab Assistant)
2. Mr. R. F. Chavan
Sr. No. Name of the Laboratory Location/ Room No Total Investment Supporting Staff Courses whose Practical’s are conducted Extension No
1. Metrology & Quality Control Gr. Floor, Room No.018 23,94,744/- Shri. R.G. Baraskar Metrology & Quality Control
2. Heat Engines/ RAC, Automobile Engineering Laboratory Gr. Floor, Room No.009 33,08,642/- Shri. Rajesh F. Chavan 1.Basic Thermodynamics
2.Power Engineering Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
3.Automobile Engineering
3. Hydraulic Machines Laboratory Gr. Floor, Room No.019 6,87,465/- Shri. Rajesh F. Chavan
1.Hydraulic Machines
2.Fluid Mechanics & Machinery
3.Industrial Hydraulics & Pneumatics
4. Physical Metallurgy Laboratory Gr. Floor, Room No. 016 10,25,525/- Shri. R.G. Baraskar Physical Metallurgy & Materials/ Materials Technology
5. CAD Lab 1 I st Floor, Room No.114 25,06,774/- Shri. R.G. Baraskar 1.Computer Aided Drafting/ Machine Drawing and CAD MOOC
2.Solid Modeling
6. CAD Lab 2 I st Floor, Room No.115
7. Theory of Machines Laboratory Gr. Floor, Room No.020 96,021/- Shri. Rajesh F. Chavan
Theory of Machines
Curriculum Semester wise- P23
» Sem 1
» Sem 2
» Sem 3
Curriculum Semester wise- P19R
» Sem 2
» Sem 3
» Sem 4
» Sem 5
» Sem 6
Curriculum Semester wise- P19
» P19 Curriculum Final
Department Achievments
Best Project Award in DIPEX-2020
Project Title: Vertical Machining Centre (VMC) using GRBL controller
Name of Students:
Women and Technological Innovation Award (WATI) in DIPEX-2020
Project Title: Metal Scroll Bending and Twisting Machine for fabrication of Safety Grills
Name of Students:
Result Analysis last 3 years:
Academic Year
No. of final year students
No. of students passed
Academic Year
No. of final year students
No. of students passed
List of MOUs:
Sr. No.
Name of Industry
Date of MoU
Eltech Engineers
Milestone Institute of Technology, Thane
Mech-India Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Dombivali, Dist : Thane
Care Group, Thane
Gujrat Chemi Plant Private Limited, Goregaon, Mumbai
Ishwar Engineering
Agrwal Industries, Vasai ( Under Process)
Staff Achievements:
Sr. No.
Name of Staff
Prof. K. V. Patil
1. Successfully completed 8 weeks online NPTEL course ''Design, Technology and innovation'' during January to April 2020.
Dr. V. U. Rathod
1. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) –LM74975.
2. Life member of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE)-LM9202.
3. Authored a book chapter titled ‘Electrochemical Micromachining (EMM): Fundamentals and Applications’ in edited book titled ‘Non-traditional Micromachining Processes ¬
Fundamentals and Applications’ by the Editors Golam Kibria, B. Bhattacharyya, J. Paulo Davim, Springer Publication, UK , March 2017 online ISBN: 978-3-319-52009-4, (pp 275-335).
4. Authored a book titled ‘Introduction to Advanced Machining and Finishing Processes’, Narosa Publication, New Delhi, Feb. 2019, ISBN: 978-81-8487-654-3.
Prof. Y. B. Jamnik
1. conducted workshop on Post SSC Diploma Admisiion Process At Kalsekar Technical Campus In may 2021.
2. worked as Verification Officer for Foreign Scholarship 2021-22students of Mumbai Region.
3. Successfully completed ATAL FDP on ROBOTICS (24/08/2021 to 28/08/2021).
Prof. E. C. Dhembare
1. Completed training on E learning resource creation a beginning towards new era of e learning (2 week) worked as institute admission coordinator for
academic year 2019, worked as exam coordinator.
Prof. K. Z. Dhangare
1. Successfully completed ATAL FDP on Research Methodology and Optimization Techniques (13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021).
Industrial Visits:
Sr. No.
Name of Industry
No ofstudents beneficiaries
YEAR 2018-19
Gadkari Rangayatan, Thane,
Centralized A/C unit
Global Fitness Foundry, Upwan Industrial Estate, Thane
ISRO Space Exhibition
Year 2019-20
Mahananda Dairy, Goregaon
Emkay Fastners, Upwan Industrial Estate, Thane
Global Fitness Foundry, Upwan Industrial Estate, Thane
JMS Industries, Bhandup
Business Carnival (Expo)
for metalworking, metal forming, manufacturing and fabrication solutions, handtools expo, cutting and welding solutions,laser automation
Diversified Plants Garden Visit, Thane
Year 2020-21
No industrial visit since March 2020 due to COVID -19 (CORONA) pandemic & lockdown situation.
Sr. No.
Name of the Expert Faculty
Academic Year 2019-20
Financial literacy and credit counseling camp
Mr. Nitynand Sing, Disha Trust, Financial Consultant,
Entrepreneurship Development
Mrs. Manisha Talreja, MD, Vapcon Manufaturing, Palghar
Financial Management- Proper Investment and Risk
Mr. Nitynand Sing, Disha Trust, Financial Consultant,
Entrepreneurship Awareness Program
Mr. U. H. Doiphode, C.B. Kora Institute of Khadi Village Industries, Borivali
Financial Literacy: Orientation
Mr. Nityanand Singh, Disha Trust ICICI Bank
Safety Practices
Shri. Bhushan Pagdhare, Asst. Deputy Controller, Disaster Management, and Awareness Department, Government of Maharashtra
Energy Audit
Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy Auditor,
Self Defense under women’s empowerment
Women’s Empowerment Cell
Safety at Industrial Workplace
Dr. Yashpal Gautam, Consultant in Plant Erection, Commissioning, Operations & Quality Management
Advances in Material Science and Technology
Dr. W S Rathod, Asso. Prof., VJTI, Mumbai
Academic Year 2018-19
Industrial hydraulics and pneumatics
Mr. Jawale S M, Ex. GM Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ltd.
Indian Coast Guard Recruitment Awareness
Mr. S K Yadav, Asst. Commandant, Staff Officer, Indian Coast Guard, Mumbai
Mr. Jawale S M, Ex. GM Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ltd.
Introduction to 5S: Six Sigma
Mr. P P Chaudhary, LME, GPM
Mr. Jawale S M, Ex. GM Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ltd.
Disaster Management
Disaster Management Dept, Government of Maharashtra
Industrial hydraulics and pneumatics
Mr. Jawale S M, Ex. GM Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ltd.
Industrial hydraulics and pneumaticsi
Mr.Jawale S M, Ex. GM Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ltd.
Co-curricular/Extra-curricular Activities:
Sr. No.
Program Organized
Teachers Day
G. P. Mumbai
Engineer’s day
G. P. Mumbai
Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
G. P. Mumbai
Tree Plantation
G. P. Mumbai Campus
Blood Donation Camp
Mechanical Department, G. P. Mumbai
Marathi Rajbhasha Din (Rally + Program)
G. P. Mumbai
Voting Awareness Rally
G. P. Mumbai
Yoga Training
G. P. Mumbai Campus
Alumni Meet
G. P. Mumbai Conference Hall
Padyatra Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
Manibhavan Grant road Mumbai
Padyatra Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
G. P. Mumbai
Clean Up Drive
Mahim Beach
G. P. Mumbai
Annual Gathering
G. P. Mumbai
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