Welcome to Government Polytechnic, Mumbai

Welcome to Government Polytechnic, Mumbai

Government Polytechnic Mumbai is an academically autonomous institute of Government of Maharashtra established in 1960, one of the oldest and prestigious institute in Mumbai region and in the state of Maharashtra. Institute got academic autonomy in the year 1994.

Institute Had undertaken various Projects like World Bank Assisted Project, Canada India Industry Institute Linkage Project, Technical Education Quality Improvement Program Phase II, etc. Institute has very good liaison with industries.

Institute is offering 3 years of AICTE approved diploma programme in following branches

  1. Civil Engineering (sandwich pattern)
  2. Computer Engineering (sandwich pattern)
  3. Electrical Engineering (sandwich pattern)
  4. Electronics Engineering (sandwich pattern)
  5. Information Technology (sandwich pattern)
  6. Instrumentation Engineering (sandwich pattern)
  7. Mechanical Engineering (sandwich pattern)
  8. Leather Technology (sandwich pattern)
  9. Leather Goods and Footwear Technology (sandwich pattern)
  10. Rubber Technology (sandwich pattern)
  11. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

A unique Diploma program in Rubber Technology(Self Financed), is a joint venture between the institute and All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA), Started in 1999-2000 with 100% Placements every year. (For Maharashtra Domicile Students 24 Seats and Other than Maharashtra Students(OMS) 06 seats.

Implementation of Central Government of India scheme for bringing the Persons With Disabilities (PWD) in the main stream of technical education and community development through the Polytechnic.

From 2019, outcome based curriculum with sandwitch pattern is offered to students where in six months Inplant training is incorporated into the curriculum of all programmes.