All students must adhere to rules and regulations issued by the authority. They should maintain Harmony and Peace among the peers and the entire Institute. Any violation of the rules and regulations will attract Penalty declared by the authority.
1) All regular students should wear Proper Uniform and Valid ID Card all the time.
2) All students will maintain 100 % Attendance in Theory and Practical Hours.
3) Students will update themselves with respect to the Academic Notices, Circulars displayed on the Notice Boards of Departments, Examination Cell, Student’s Section as well as on Institute Website (
4) Students will follow Academic Calendar and will attend the Parent Meetings along with their Parents/Guardians compulsorily.
5) Use of mobile phones in the Classrooms, Library, Corridor etc. is strictly prohibited.
6) Ragging is an offence. Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus/premises. Any student involved in such activities will be subjected to disciplinary action as per provisions of Anti-Ragging Act issued by the Government.
7) Students are strictly prohibited from Smoking/Chewing/Spitting of Tobacco Products/Pan/Gutka.
8) No student will indulge in the consumption of Alcohol and Narcotic Drugs anywhere in the College Premises.
9) No students will litter and dirty their classroom, corridors, and other college premises.
10) Eatables and soft drinks should be consumed inside the Canteen only. (Students are allowed to eat their tiffin in the allotted classrooms during their breaks) All the wrappers, waste papers etc. should be put in the Dustbin.
11) Students should park their bicycles and two-wheelers at allotted space Only.
12) Students will play Outdoor games during the prescribed timing in the Playground only. (Playground Timings: Before 8.30 am and After 4.30 pm). Playing of Games elsewhere is strictly prohibited.
13) No celebration of Birthday in the classroom.
14) Maintain the proper distance while passing through the corridors. No running or shouting, screaming, whistling, singing, talking loudly.
15) No students will indulge in fighting, quarrelling, violence, mock fighting with fellow students
16) Students will not sit on the classroom desk, tables, staircases, passageways and on the main entrance.
17) Students will not damage the Institute Property such as Furniture, Fans, Electrical Fitting, Bathroom Fitting, Laboratory Instruments etc. If found cost of damaged items will be recovered from the students.
18) All Students must conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights and fans when they leave the classroom, library, and laboratory.
19) Students should observe and practice all Universal Human Moral Values.
20) No student will use lift facility except PWD Students or under emergency. Violation of any of the above code of conduct will invite Disciplinary action and Penalty adjudged by the Principal.