Members of CDC

Sr.No. Name Branch & designationPosition held
1.Mrs. SANJANA LONDHELecturer, Civil engineeringCDC Coordinator
2.Mrs. SWATI SHINDELecturer, Instrumentation
CDC Coordinator

3.Mrs.NAMRATA WANKHADELecturer,Information TechnologyCDC Coordinator
4.Mrs. RUPALI KOMATWARLecturer,Computer EngineeringCDC Coordinator
5.Mrs. DEEPALI KIRTANESelection Grade Lecturer,Electrical Engineering
CDC Coordinator
6.Mr. E. C. DHEMBARELecturer,Rubber Technology

7.Mrs. V. K. JADHAVLecturer,AIMLCDC Coordinator
8.Mrs. S. B. PURILecturer,Electronics engineering

CDC Coordinator
9.Mr. S.D. DARVESHILecturer, Leather Goods and Footwear Technology
CDC Coordinator
10.Mr. M.B. POLI/C HoD, Leather TechnologyCDC Coordinator
11.Mr. S.B. BIDGARLecturer, Mechanical EngineeringCDC Coordinator
12.Mr. K. V. PATILSelection Grade Lecturer, Mechanical EngineeringIncharge, Curriculum Development Cell,
Member Secretary of BOS
13.Mrs. PRITAM KHANDELecturer
Leather Technology
Lecturer, Electronics Engineering
14.Mrs. VRUSHALI PATILLecturer, Computer EngineeringCDC – Member